Ride Review

What are the colors and the meanings of pedestrian signals?

Pedestrian signals typically use a combination of colors to communicate different instructions to pedestrians. The most common colors used in pedestrian signals are red, yellow, and green. - Red: When the pedestrian signal displays a solid red Light, it means that pedestrians must stop and wait for the signal to change before crossing the road. Red symbolizes danger and indicates that it is not safe for pedestrians to cross. - Yellow: A flashing or solid yellow Light on a pedestrian signal usually indicates that pedestrians should not begin crossing the road. It serves as a warning that the signal is about to change to red. Pedestrians should use caution and finish crossing the road if they have already started. - Green: When the pedestrian signal displays a solid green Light, it means that pedestrians are permitted to start crossing the road. Green symbolizes safety and indicates that it is safe for pedestrians to proceed. However, it is important to always check for oncoming traffic before crossing. It's worth mentioning that the specific meanings of pedestrian signal colors may vary slightly depending on local regulations and traffic laws. It's important for pedestrians to familiarize themselves with the meanings of the signal colors in their specific area to ensure their safety while crossing the road.
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