Ride Review

What actions should you take with pedestrian signals?

Pedestrian signals are traffic control devices that inform pedestrians when it is safe to cross the road. When approaching a pedestrian signal, there are a few actions you should take to ensure your safety: 1. Observe the signal: Look for the pedestrian signal and determine whether it is indicating to walk or stop. 2. Wait for the signal: If the pedestrian signal is indicating to stop, wait until it changes to indicate walk before crossing the road. 3. Cross with caution: When the pedestrian signal changes to indicate walk, proceed to cross the road. However, always remember to look both ways for oncoming traffic before stepping off the curb. 4. Follow any additional cues: Some pedestrian signals may have additional cues, such as countdown timers or audible signals for visually impaired individuals. Pay attention to these cues and follow them accordingly. It is important to always prioritize safety and follow the instructions provided by pedestrian signals, as they are designed to help pedestrians navigate roadways safely.

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