Ride Review

Electric skateboard how to stop?

Stopping an electric Skateboard is important for safety and control. Here are a few methods to stop an electric Skateboard: 1. Use the throttle control: Many electric skateboards have a handheld remote control that includes a throttle and brake lever. To stop, simply release the throttle completely and gently squeeze the brake lever. This will slow down and eventually bring the Skateboard to a complete stop. 2. Foot braking: This method is commonly used on non-electric skateboards as well. Place your back foot on the ground and apply pressure to the ground to create friction and slow down the Skateboard. Be careful not to apply too much pressure, as it may cause you to lose balance. 3. Slide to a stop: This technique requires some practice and is often used by experienced riders. By shifting your weight to one side and using your heels or toes to create friction against the ground, you can slow down and come to a controlled stop. Remember, it's important to start practicing in a safe and open area before riding an electric Skateboard in traffic or crowded areas. Always wear protective gear, including a helmet, knee pads, and elbow pads, to ensure your safety.


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